LHSAA Physical Form
Participation in Athletics Form
​​​​​​​CSAA Policy on Heat Illness Prevention

2024 Football Schedules:
3/4 Grade Football Team 
5/6 Grade Football Team
​​​​​​​7/8 Grade Football Team

2024 Cross Country Schedule:
Cross Country 

2024 Swimming Schedule:
Athletics can be an important part of a young person’s life. It teaches discipline and self-pride while helping one realize the importance of cooperation. Athletics are a
component of and interact with, the spiritual, social, and academic components of the overall school program. MBS recognizes that support from the administration, faculty,
staff, coaches, parents and fans is necessary in providing a positive Catholic athletic experience for the student-athletes.
Athletes, parents, and fans are a direct reflection of MBS and should adhere to the philosophy of the school by always acting in a dignified manner.

10 Good Reasons Why Kids Should Play Sports
1. It Develops Their Social Skills
When your kids play sports, they are, in effect, participating in a social activity that
develops social skills. This will help them throughout their life as they will learn what’s
appropriate and know how to act in any given social situation.

2. It Teaches Them Teamwork
Team sports require all team members to work together towards a common goal. This
is another skill that they will carry with them in adulthood as most jobs require teamwork

3. They Will Develop Long Lasting Friendships
As a team member, you practice with others all year long. Your team members become
second family and someone who will always have your back no matter what.

4. It Helps Them Deal with Adversity
Children will inevitably face adversity, but the good news is that this will also teach them
how to deal with it and how to push through it when they feel frustrated or tired.

5. It Keeps Them Busy
Having students play a sport is an effective way to keep them busy. It will put them in a
and structured environment and keep them from getting into trouble.

6. It Teaches Them Discipline
Team sports require commitment and discipline. Kids will need to go to practice every
single week, in some cases multiple times per week. They will also need to make sure
to do all their homework before going to practice which teaches them how to
effectively manage their time and make sure all their chores and assignments get done. 
That is a lot of hard work that will fully prepare them to enter the workforce when they
grow older.

7.  It Teaches Them Respect
Playing sports can also help your child learn respect. As team members, kids will have
to learn to respect the decisions their coach makes as well as the decisions of the
referees make, whether they agree with them or not. But it’s not just coaches and
referees that your kids will have to respect. They will also need to learn to respect their
team members as well as players from the opposing team. Most importantly, they will
learn how to respect themselves. 

8. It Helps Them Stay Physically Active
It is understood that playing a sport helps your child stay physically active. As
mentioned earlier, our lives have become very sedentary which bears much health
risks. Physical inactivity not only increases our chances of getting seriously ill, it also
negatively impacts our mental health. Do your child a favor and enroll them in a team

9. It Helps Them with Their Academics
According to research, sports improve our mental health and increases our cognitive
abilities. As such, playing sports can help your children do better in school. As a result,
they can get better grades which can open a world of opportunities from your child.
After all, it’s not unusual for kids who do well in both sports and academics to receive
scholarships to prestigious universities.

10. It Teaches Them to Deal with Winning and Losing
Finally, playing sports teaches your kids to deal with both winning and losing. And while
dealing with a win is much easier than dealing with a loss, it is important for your child to
learn how to accept the loss and move on. Keep in mind that as adults, we do not come
out as winners every time which is why this skill is so crucial.
Final Thoughts
Aside from helping your child stay physically active, participating in sports helps them
develop important social and life skills that they can carry with them throughout their
teenage years and all the way into adulthood.
Go Pelicans!
Tommy Krysan, Athletic Director
MBS Athletics
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